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NCE DCC decoders


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Being relatively new to DCC, I noticed our friends @Liverpool are selling NCE decoders, which I’ve

never seen before. Has anybody tried them on this forum? It’s the same company which sell the controllers, which have a very good reputation. There is some comments on this forum about NCE decoders, but the posts date back 4 years & are a bit negative, so things may have changed since then.

Their website has all the relevant information about the decoders.




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Yep, I've used non-sound NCE "DA-SR" decoders in particular, in HO and never had any problems at all, same with a D408 for O Scale.

In fact I've used the DA-SR to power a couple of Atlas O scale locos too (twin motors wired in series), so I think they're fine. :yes:

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I have a few NCE decoders, but I'm not particularly keen on them myself. They are not bad, and have a few extra features that suit US locomotives more, but I found them very hard to match behaviours with other brands.

They do usually represent good value for money though.

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