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Kidderminster Railway Museum - Autumn Sale - October 22nd to 30th

Old Gringo

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From Saturday October 22nd through to Sunday October 30th, Kidderminster Railway Museum are holding a Huge Sale of Railway books, Railway magazines, paperwork, prints, maps, DVDs & VHS Tapes and many other items.

The details are as follows:

Kidderminster Railway Museum
Comberton Hill,
Next to the Severn Valley Railway station.

Saturday 22nd October, 11am - 5pm
Sunday 23rd October, 10:30am - 5pm

Every weekday from Monday 24th October, to Friday 28th October, 11am - 5pm

Saturday 29th October, 10.30am - 5pm

Sunday 30th October, 10.30am - 5pm

Massive Sale of Books, over 2,500 Railway titles,
plus a selection of Naval and Aircraft books
Railway Magazines, many full years of all the popular railway titles
Official Railway Paperwork, including Timetables, Appendices & Rule books
Prints and Paintings
Ordnance Survey Maps, various editions
Railway DVDs and VHS Tapes.


There will be lots of bargains

For further details visit the Website at: www.krm.org.uk
or Telephone: 01562 825316.

All proceeds of the Sale will be put towards the New Building Appeal.

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  • RMweb Premium

The Kidderminster Railway Museum Sale will be open over the Severn Valley Railway's Late Autumn Gala Weekend.


Friday 4th November, 11am - 5pm

Saturday 5th November 10.30am - 5pm

Sunday 6th November, 10.30am - 5pm.


There are still lots of Bargains on offer.


For further details visit the Website at: www.krm.org.uk
or Telephone: 01562 825316.


All proceeds from the Sale will be put towards the New Building Appeal.

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