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Being an Exchange Student


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A couple of the universities my son has applied to have exchange programmes (usually after the second year of a degree course) with the US and EU. I'm sure that if he gets the grades and and actually gets to these universities they will be able to provide all the advice we need but I was was wondering if anyone in the RMweb world might be able to share their own or their families experience so I know the right questions to ask. I'm OK (I think) with the EU health insurance but what do students going to the US or Canada usually do for their year abroad. There is the slight (?) complication that my my son has a condition that requires continuous medication. I have tried Googling this but only found sites for US students studying outside the US.



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There used to be grant/bursary structures covering student exchanges where medical insurance is required. Does your son have advice from his GP, or the Specialist supporting his ongoing treament, regarding his plans? In his shoes I would want their advice with a view to taking up any issues with the relevant admissions offices for the courses he is applying for. It is typically best to set the wheels in motion early on a potential issue of this sort: it can save a lot of worry if it turns out that there are no problems; and also gives the time to sort out problems ahead of their becoming obstacles.

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