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Disable the motor

Pete the Elaner

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I am thinking of using some poorer runners for double-heading (specifically Lima 31s).

I am planning to remove some gears to allow them to run freely & maybe re-wheel them too.


I am considering keeping DCC for lights & sound & would prefer to keep the ability to read CVs if possible..

I have JMRI so adjusting CVs by name rather than number should not be a problem.


It is possible to disable the motor by adjusting a few CVs?

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You could try setting the three-point speed curve to effectively zero (or nearly zero) for all three points (min, mid and max).   That should stop the motor turning much.


Or, you could just disconnect the motor lead !



- Nigel

Disconnecting the motor would certainly stop it from working but it would also stop the system from reading CVs, which was what I was trying to avoid.

I wondered just how much control the variables had on motor control & thought the answer may lie on this path.

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you could remove the gears from the motor thus allowing the wheels to rotate freely, but you could possibly use the motor drive wires to fit a working roof fan

Some of the gear wheels have already been removed. :sungum:

I had not thought of driving a roof fan. That would add to the project creep. :rolleyes:

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Disconnecting the motor would certainly stop it from working but it would also stop the system from reading CVs, which was what I was trying to avoid.

I wondered just how much control the variables had on motor control & thought the answer may lie on this path.


I agree with Nigel (post #2): setting a very low value in CV 5 and 6 should do the trick. It may also help to set CV2 = 0, as Lima motors often need a little more kick to get going (this will remove that extra starting "oomph").


I have once stopped a motor from responding by accidentally setting ridiculous values in CVs 5 and 6 but I can't remember what I did at the time. I'm not sure what would happen if you set them both to zero; either that would completely stop the motor from responding, or it will go to the decoder defaults and run 'normally'.

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  • RMweb Premium

As the bearings of a loco are not running as free as a coach be careful - halve of the pulling power of your " double header" will be used for pulling the modified loco...

Why not considering a real programmed double header?  Even if the loco is not such a good runner the other one should help it to get over this contact problems...

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Alternative approach, remove the weight and traction tyres (rewheel) and you will have a loco which can move itself independently - if that ls ever a potential part of your operation -  but will have no effect in multiple coupled to a heavy centre motor type. Pick up is best maintained on driven wheels, so there is an advantage in reliable current supply to the decoder.

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Thanks for the replies.

I have tried changing all the speed variables I can find... but the motor still spins.

The gears are sitting on the workbench so the loco is able to move (fairly) freely.

One of the uses I wanted it for was to top & tail engineer's trains so I can't have the rear loco powered because I know it will either snatch or drag, in either case causing a derailment. To make matters worse, my stock is coupled with screw links & instanters.


I found that with the motor settings set to zero, the motor still turns but I can't rev the engine up with the throttle.


It seems that Legomanbiffo has now created a solution which solves this: his "Drivelock" function.

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  • RMweb Gold

Set CV 19 to 99*


As long as you never try to use advanced consist number 99 then the motor of that loco will never do anything. The lights will still respond to the normal decoder address


To put the loco back to normal operation again set CV19 to zero and put the gears back.





*99 used as an example, could be any two digit number but NOT 03!

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