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Blog- thurso - 722 - on hold...but not forgotten...

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Evening peeps,


Long time since my last entry on this as am dipping the toe in the senior scale at the moment (well I did turn 50 in April so felt it was time ;)) however this is still simmering away on the back burner.


I am currently in the process of converting Kyle to DCC so the intention this will be wired to suit as you may recall the idea is to attach to the other end of the Fiddle Yard. Whilst trains will not run through as such, some of the rolling stock will be used with the Thurso regular locos topping the formations.


One of the other reasons this project went on hold was I was still not convinced by the overall arrangement and configuration. I had changed the station end losing the letterbox slot view for a more open arrangement but it still bugs me whether this is the right move.


Whilst looking at the layout in context with the Fiddle Yard and Kyle it struck me that maybe it was too long. Granted KoL is short but I think that maybe I can remove a chunk and still capture the feel of Thurso. After all, the station building at Kyle is considerably longer in reality but peeps still equate the model to the location.


I am also thinking of reducing the width of the platform too as I have modelled it to represent the edge of the bay. I am going to bring the building to the edge thus losing the asymmetrical edge to the station building. This should gain about 18mm and it may be that the goods shed can be modelled wider and incorporate the siding as per this pic:




The good thing about making the mock up is it allows you not to be too precious about it and it can be marked up and adjusted accordingly prior to making the baseboards.


Here's a few pics showing the cut and shut proposals on the mock up - uncoupling positions have been indicated previously by a red dot.












I shall be taking the mock up along to the 2mmFS AGM next Saturday at the MRC London along with KoL so I hope to get some feedback on the proposals - as always, comments welcome.



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