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NCE Powercab, problem decreasing speed with the wheel


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My powercab seems to have developed a fault, when I use the wheel to increase speed then that is fine. But now, after several years of working fine, decreasing speed is flakey, sometimes the speed actually increases when you roll the wheel to decrease speed. Decrease works fine from the button on the Powercab it's just that turning the wheel to decrease is unreliable.


I've opened up the unit, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the fit of the wheel.


Has anyone come across this and, in terms of moving forward, does anyone offer an out of warranty repair service if that is what is required?


Many thanks


Nigel H

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Maybe not so much the thumbwheel itself, but rather, the encoder it is linked to. I know from the NCE chat group that NCE can and do supply the encoders, but I have never replaced one myself, so I'm not sure what is involved.

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  • RMweb Gold

Maybe not so much the thumbwheel itself, but rather, the encoder it is linked to. I know from the NCE chat group that NCE can and do supply the encoders, but I have never replaced one myself, so I'm not sure what is involved.

Just had the same repair done by Digitrains - its a fairly normal failure but my handset has been well used - I got the software up to date at the same time

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Thanks, your replies have been really helpful. It looks like the encoder was a little loose, I have squared it up on the PCB and added a dab of solder to the contacts on the back. For now this seems to have improved things. From what others have said, the encoder may need to be replaced at some stage so I'll see how I get on!

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Is there such a thing as "out of warranty repair" except for when you abuse it?


I ask because I've had two handsets repaired recently.  One had a damaged pin which was causing it to dream and then fail totally and the other had an LCD screen failure.  This second handset was quite elderly by DCC standards.  Both were Powercabs rather than Procabs.


Each went in turn to Digitrains, who sent them off to NCE for repair.  This takes time as they go off to America. 


However, each came back with the repair done free of charge.  I might have put the pin down to rough plugging-in of leads and the display down to age, but no charge for either.  That leaves me very impressed......



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I have found NCE in the USA to be very helpful and very obliging. they have sent a number of bits to me over the years free of charge, even though I have offered to pay for these well and truly out of warranty items. It is only the Australian agent I have had difficulties with, being rude and obstructive as well as expensive.

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