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OO track gauges

The Fatadder

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  • RMweb Gold

Can any one tell me any other sources of OO (normal) track gauges other than C&L (which I always have). I am looking for a 3 point gauge and a flat flangeway gauge. The Roller gauges I have from C&L are a pain (with th flangeway bits getting in the way fouling other rails when used to add rail to points.


In P4 my preference was always using these two rather than the rollers?

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In 00 gauge you do not need 3 point gauges as on curves there is no need for gauge widening, I agree with your views on roller gauges that the internal check rail slots get in the way. You really need a friendly engineer who will either be able to make some for you or remove the inner bar (I have some EM gauges where one side has both bars filed flat) as for a bar 1.25 mm flat, again an engineer who can mill a piece of bar down to 1.25 mm. A friend (who I have lost contact with) did this for me in aluminium, SMP used to supply these in their point kits


Another alternative is to but some Peco track gauges, these are flat gauges (ref IL-115) where you can easily nip off the inner check rail gauges and I tape two together at the top as they then form an A shape which are self supporting


You could always use 00sf, 1 mm wing rail, check rail and 3 point gauges are all available, and work with most 00 gauge modern RTR stock straight out of the box. Plus in most folks opinion looks far better with the narrower flange and check way gaps than standard 00 gauge with 1.25 mm gaps. Unlike 00 gauge you do need gauge widening of sharp radii. Many who use this gauge use standard 00 gauge flexi track




I do have some old 00 gauge triangular gauges, they were made for codse 100 rail and were not 3 point but had two slots at one end and one at the other 

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  • RMweb Gold

To be honest I just like the 3 point gauge because it doesn't interfere with check rails etc, and used to use it for everything. I think I will get the b****** file out and remove the check gauge from one side.


I do think I should have considered 00sf further when planning, but too much is built now to change. I do wonder if some of the flange ways are a tad tight on check rails however.

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  • RMweb Gold



It could be the wheels are out of gauge. Buy 2 Peco flat track gauges as they are very useful and cheap 11

I will get a couple and have a quick check, I have been trying to check the back to back with the c&l block gauge, without much success

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I find my one Peco track gauge very useful, and have used all three sides of it (although it actually has four sides!). Only having one isn't good though, as they're easy to lose. My next job for today is to find it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I bought a 3 point gauge for OO from Wizard Models.  I think it might be made by Slaters.  I haven't used it yet but I bought it because I found that some of my turnouts had reduced in gauge after I had built them using the Peco and C&L roller gauges.  I thought I might be able to use it to maintain the gauge on the curved part of the turnout whilst I am soldering the rail to the PCB or applying Butanone to the plastic chair.





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I find my one Peco track gauge very useful, and have used all three sides of it (although it actually has four sides!). Only having one isn't good though, as they're easy to lose. My next job for today is to find it!

Taping two into an A frame is also good for some instances, I have 3 of them

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I bought a 3 point gauge for OO from Wizard Models.  I think it might be made by Slaters.  I haven't used it yet but I bought it because I found that some of my turnouts had reduced in gauge after I had built them using the Peco and C&L roller gauges.  I thought I might be able to use it to maintain the gauge on the curved part of the turnout whilst I am soldering the rail to the PCB or applying Butanone to the plastic chair.








If the 00 gauge you are using is to GOGA intermediate or 00-BF standards (what Peco describe as universal), it should not need gauge widening. Standard roller gauges or the Peco gauge should keep the gauge constant, certainly for soldered joints.


Where I have found problems of gauge narrowing its with C&L/Exactoscale plastic chairs, where the rail gap in the gauge is too deep and or too tight. The chairs hold the rail at a 1-20 cant, if the gauges are too tight they hold the rail upright, once the gauge is removed the chair relaxes back into the cant thus gauge narrowing. For these chairs the head of the rail should be able to rotate in the slot of the gauge. Standards like P4, EM and 00SF do require gauge widening on sharper radii curves

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Just a quick reply in respect of using the Peco track gauge as a test piece.

Below is a OO gauge crossover using two of the gauges and roller gauges. It is my first "effort" using these and the C&L products and with all my wheelsets gauged correctly I'm pleased to say when tested all traversed without any problems.




( please excuse the photo quality )

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I seem to have accumulated a number of track gauges over the year for 00 gauge and was consistently disappointed by the running of proprietary stock through my hand built points.


Most gauges I own have provide a flange gap of 1.0mm. This will allow a minimum back to back of 14.5mm. Proprietary wheel back to backs vary quite widely. I've measured 14.2mm to 14.8mm.


The DOGA provide gauges with a flange gap of 1.2mm which should cover most variation in wheel sets.


The down side is the increased size of the gap at the crossing vee where you might end up with a bit of a clunk as the wheels go over the gap.



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DC concepts do one for about 17.00 avaiable from Gaugemaster



But why gauge widen "00-BF/GOGA intermediate/Peco 00/H0 universal" The standards of this gauge(s) with generous in built tolerances allow for sharp radii curves without the need for gauge narrowing. The problem being the gauges used are gauge narrowing!! 

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