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Today at Peterborough


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Although I got my ticket early a few weeks ago, I was feeling apprehensive about going as the clock ticked by but I mustered the effort enough to get in the car and drive up the A1. At the end of the day, completely KOS, I wondered why I felt that way. It was a good show lots of new things to see and spend my money on and some that I want but will get later as funds permit. Lots of answers to my questions which in turn were logged into the grey matter,

I didn't like the chicane at the entrance, it became a bottle neck as those with large rucksacks blocked the way as they rightly bent down to the bottom shelf to see the items and at the other side a 2-deep audience looking at the items for sale. A bit of push and pull had to be the way but it was an unnecessary action.

However, overall I enjoyed it thoroughly and will hopefully be there next year. David

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