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Hello. I've been busy on my latest (mad!) project. For some years I've wanted to do a Norwegian model in O gauge, here in the sunny West Country. So what follows is experience to date.


2 x 4 based boards (a pair) hinged to each other, with track laid using Peco flat bottom track. Buildings are general kit built/bashed. The layout is not yet finished but made its debut at the Winchester o gauge continental show last Saturday.


Rolling stock is Lima or Rivarossi. I have two locos, see the pictures - the brave bit of me purchased new a V60 Lenz diesel shunter in DB Blue and Cream and then I set to re spraying in NSB Colours - the NSB have examples of these fine machines.


I can post a few more shots as work progresses. Paul




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Well here's the further photos, and Mark asked about the Japanese o gauge - I have an Aoshima 1/45 diesel loco kit (of a DD51 Bo-Bo-Bo) and some buildings and a pair of two by four baseboards.


Britvik has priority for now for completion. I've two show bookings for next year. I need get myself into gear and build a Norwegian Y1 railcar.


Cheers Paul




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  • RMweb Premium

Good to see you again with the new layout at Winchester last weekend. That's three different layouts, three different countries, at shows in the last year! You don't let the grass grow under your feet, just on the layout. Nice and simple and running very well, good luck with the railcar.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, after a lull of a few weeks, I've been busy again - some new trees have been planted and anoth pass with the electro static grass thingy. I find multiple passes on different occasions to build up the grass - and then set with hair spray.


So Some pictures follow, more to come this week.




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  • 1 month later...

Just caught up with this thread... absolutely FASCINATING! I am a big fan of Scandinavian/Nordic countries and their railways (happy to include Finland too not to get too mixed with our geographies!) and love something a bit different. Although mainly focused on Denmark and the DSB, I find all of the countries interesting.


I look forward to seeing more when you are ready to update but this is right up my street and you're doing a fantastic job ploughing a lone and very inventive furrow.


Cheers and keep the good work coming!




PS - thanks for the update to my Danish thread too, it much appreciated.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks to South Tyne for the words of encouragement - apologies so long to come back - working on the big railway all through Christmas sapped my energy and my time for hobbies. I'll have another spell on the layout and share progress. So I have acquired another O loco - it's a Pola 0-4-0 diesel which will suit the layout (a German Werhmacht machine?). Picked up at the excellent continental show in Brum first week of Dec 2016.


As I say, I'll update soon, as I can see some headroom for modelling. All the best Paul.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Rich. It's not a rework of Lapford Gate, it's longer by 2 feet and an extra set of points - with half term coming up this week, and a few days off work - I'll update in progress in Britvik. Paul

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  • 8 months later...

Britvik had an outing today to the very well organised (and friendly) Wimborne O gauge guild show. I've been quietly working away on Britvik, ranging from new buildings, figures, and rolling stock. Pola Maxi 0-4-0 diesel shunter made its debut and ran well. Owing to work commitments this is my only show this year, but today was an enjoyable day.






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  • 11 months later...

Well the layout was back out yesterday at the excellent Winchester O gauge Continental and American Show. Good attendance and well organised. I keep fiddling away improving the layout. The real change will come when NMJ bring out the Nohab and I can start running pass trains. The Nohab is on order.





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