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Blog- Stevethomas6444's modelling blog. - New arrival! - Bachmann's Capital Commuter Train Pack.

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It has finally arrived! The much anticipated Capital Commuter Train Pack from Bachmann to celebrate 30 years since Network SouthEast was created. I've had it on pre-order since it was announced as it couldn't be any more suited for me and it wasn't at a bad price for what you get. I always wanted the 2EPB in NSE ever since I got the one in BR Blue & Grey with NSE 'Kent Link' logos. Bachmann did release one exclusively for the collectors club and it was available on eBay but at such a ridiculous price tag! So the Capital Commuter pack was a must, it has the NSE liveried 2EPB, low relief art deco station building, two platform sections and a selection of NSE prints and a replica ticket holder and Network Card. All perfect for those who have a special interest in this colourful era of British Rail.


The box itself is very presentable and at the back even has a brief history of NSE. A very nice touch! :)


Inside, the Edward Pond painting and the Kent Link logo is just too perfect for me :locomotive:


This is what is inside: The 2EPB, low relief art deco station building, 2 platform sections, prints and a ticket wallet with a replica Network Card. Not bad in this day an age for £178!


The station building has been done up to the NSE theme.


Two platform sections are enough for a 2-car unit but a slight problem is that they do not join correctly, sandpaper is required.


Now on to the EPB, looks great in NSE colours and compliments my other EPB perfectly. There is no high-intensity headlight fitted to this unit, maybe 6414 never had one?


Kent Link logos and the livery are well applied.


Side on view of the motor and trailer.


The Kent Link units.


As mentioned before, it compliments the other 2EPB as well as the 466. I must get a layout built sometime for it to run on! :scratchhead:

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