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Blog- Turning the Clock Back - Modelling again!

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After a long break getting ready to move house, I've been able to get at the work bench again. The target - a couple of old Airfix non corridors, modelled on the LMS Inter district stock, to make my 'scratch' S&D local train. My excuse is - there was a pair of Period 2 Inter-district coaches running Bath Green Park to Bristol, they appear in a photo taken at BGP in 1954. From looking at photographs, some of the S&D local formations running from Highbridge to Evercreech had one of these with a more common Stanier or Period II non-corridor. Anyway, they were cheap and worthy of a bit of upgrading. So, under frames and interiors have been detailed, and the bodies flush glazed - only cheap and cheerful SE Finecast, but the appearance is transformed. I'm also using them as a test bed for inter-stock coupling ideas, (how to get a pair of P4 coaches propelled around a 3'6" bend ...)


<photos to follow>

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