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St Ives Station modelling tips


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Been thinking about modelling the St Ives Bay Line in N gauge on a on and off basis for sometime, but not sure how to model such route in N gauge, in terms of the correct style platforms etc, even though I've seen pics of the route, just wondering if anyone can give me any tips of how to source and find the right parts to be as near as possible to the prototype as it is nowadays. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Probably best to visit St Ives, take some photos and get a feel for the place, and then look around to see if anything is commercially available that will do the job.  You will be very unlikely to find ready made platforms that replicate the curve of St Ives, in which case you need to be thinking about how you are going to go about scratchbuilding.  You need to look at the platform facings and see if you can make them out of embossed plastcard or printed paper on some sort of former.  The platform surfaces are less of a problem; you can cut them to shape out of more or less any material you like and apply scenic material to represent the actual surfaces.


Sounds like a fun project, and the worst that can happen is you'll have a day out in a lovely little town.  Enjoy!

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