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J70 Tram Loco in 7mm 0 Gauge


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After seeing the pictures of the J70 LNER 060 tram loco at the Warley exhibition, planned for 00, thoughts turned very quickly to a 7mm version. The wheels are available from Slaters but are a bit costly, when I have most of the materials to hand to make some.


So plain disk lathe wheels but with the full motion will be fitted, with the side rods transmitting the drive from a two stage gearbox and medium sized 5 pole motor. The speed will be kept low with the two stage gears in a tower arrangement.


If it all works well the wheels can be changed later on to the scale Slaters type.


I have a spare sheet of Bakelite from making a rolling road, that can provide floor, chassis insulation and maybe parts of the sides in milled and sawn panelling. The chassis can be 2mm thick brass, with inserted ball bearings, non sprung. The buffers can be turned up in brass in the lathe.


The rest of the body will be in marine grade fine plywood, with a planked roof, there is plenty of space inside the body for ballasting with lead cast weights. All the finer details would be in brass, along with the skirts and buffer beams. A boiler can be made to cover the motor up, which is well hidden anyway, especially if fitted with the crew members.


A nice project over Xmas period, and Jan, if the weather is foul!




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Can't find any reference for 7mm locos, several for 4mm, but I will build it as the cost will be very low indeed as long as no Slaters Wheels are used, which is over £60 to start with. Having just bought a Dapol 08 the budget is all but blown.

I have rough cut out the frame blanks, side covers, buffer beams etc., this afternoon from 2mm brass sheet, along with the lower sides. The upper parts will be planked in wood, as will be the ends. The roof can be planked and then covered with doped Japanese Tissue in a couple of thin layers, which seals the wood as well as providing a good sound surface for satin paint.

The brass parts are all sawn edges from the bandsaw, and need a session on the bench sander to clean the edges to the exact finished sizes. There will be a few brass straps and U edges to do, and I may buy in sectioned formed brass for that if needed. Thin bands can be cut or etched out. The windows will need brass grooved runners to allow the windows to slide open and closed. Most of the other details will be wire or straps in nickel or brass as needed.



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