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Evening all,


What does 99p buy you (+ postagewink.gif )?





Don't know why I bid on this pair but I guess my fingers slipped. My son can have a bit of fun with the Triang TPO but i'm wondering whether there's anything I can do with a Southern pride MBSO off a 4CIG. Based on the prices that the kits can go for, i'd have thought someone might have been interested (apart from me) but apparantly not.


Seems weird that the coach has separated itself from the rest of the coaches but I guess these things happen.

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Well you did occasionally see "escaped" parts of SR EMUs. I've a photo of a 4-VEP being moved from Ramsgate towards London with its coaches jumbled around another unit as part of an ECS, and also another of a 73 hauling a barrier coach (SR PMV-type van) followed by the non-cab end of the driving coach of a 4-EPB followed by the rest of the EPB coupled cab-to-cab. Rearrange those words into a sentence - it's easier to show the photo than describe it, but I can't access it right now.

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Found the photos of mixed-up EMU coaches. Not great quality, but can't find the originals at the moment. Both at Rochester:


73-barrier-backtofront EPB



This is the rear of the train, in fact going towards Ramsgate. Nearest the camera, a VEP driving car, then possibly a 4-CAP (judging by the lack of yellow cabs mid-way down), then what might be a de-icer or an SR-pattern 2-EPB, then the rest of the VEP coaches, Somewhere I'll have the notes showing exactly what.


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Based on the bodyworks condition (which is excellent) i'm going to go down the barrier vehicle route. I've got a few spare mark 1's (particularly BSK's) so I might try and fill the windows in and use them as barrier vehicles. They may not be completely prototypical but i'm sure they'd look the part. Maybe spray them departmental grey (or something like that!)

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  • 1 month later...

Right, i've been busy this weekend and got on with various things. I decided on producing two barrier vehicles using Lima mark ones. I have a few too many BSK's so looked at using them. I then remembered I had a wrecked Lima mark one that I had created out of two coaches - a cut n shut. It was the best ends of two corridor seconds though didn't look good at all.


Using some stuff that's used to do body repairs on cars, i've filled in all the windows and doors creating a flush side. I've used a standard BSK for the other vehicle and have sprayed them both grey. Photo's below show the outcome and i'm fairly happy with it. Main thing with this project was I wanted to spend no money on the coaches and just do it with bits I had. I'll take a photo with the CIG coach tomorrow.


Any thoughts on potential decals or numbering would be welcome - I do appreciate that these vehicles are ficticious!



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Just popped the train together - I think 33101 is a suitable loco for it! There's still a bit of work to do, the CIG body sides are mounted onto a Traing coach body and roof. Plan is to graft some mk 6 motor bogie sides onto the BR1's. Whilst I do have a couple of lima 73 bogies I could hack, are any cast ones available? I'll also need to muster up some detailing parts to the underframe.



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  • 2 weeks later...

You win some you lose some!


Saw this on ebay:




Excellent I thought. What's the chances of finding another Southern pride CIG vehicle (well sides on a Triang coach). Bung that with the centre vehicle and i've got half a CIG. Until it arrived......


The pictures will hopefully show the problem!


Side 1:


Side 2:



I could send it back but for the sake of a few quid I might as well keep it. On my layout you only see one side, so I guess one option is to use a couple of Triang bodysides on the other side thus creating three coaches. I assume these sides are not available as spares!

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