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Who turns the water on and off.


Is the treatment applied over the whole route covered or just the known trouble spots.


What happened to that other development using lasers that were supposed to fry the leaf mulch away and would have been fitted directly to all (or some) of the passenger units, avoiding the need altogether for the existing trains.


I believe some units are now being fitted with a combination of disk brakes and wheel brakes does this solve the problem.


Railhead condition can obviously affect all trains but is it mostly lightweight passenger units that are affected, more than locos where the problem is manageable, as I notice that few freight only lines seem to get a visit by a RHTT.


Also why do some routes not get visited at all, lack of trees presumably.


Finally, I believe the water must be turned off when the train is stationary as the water jets are of a sufficient pressure they could damage the rail head are there any other times the water must be turned off, level crossings for example or station platforms so as not to splash the punters' shoes.

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