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Blog- TomE's N Gauge Modelling - Farish XC 170

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The Farish 170 has been around a good few years now, and I think was one of the last Farish units designed in the UK. It is starting to show it's age when stood next to the same companies recent Class 150, but overall it still captures the look of the Turbostar quite well, to my eyes at least, and it is the only option if you want a 170!


I quite like the Arriva Cross Country scheme in spite of the lurid pink doors. It's one of the few schemes which works on pretty much anything it's applied too and the rendition here is excellent. Silver can be an awkward colour to reproduce accurately but the colours look spot on and the printing really is superb, with sharp definition between colours and a multitude of smaller lettering and warning panels represented. The only thing I could find to fault was that the small plough under the front faring which is not painted yellow as per the prototype, but then they are usually covered in filth anyway.


My example ran very smoothly and quietly straight from the box unlike my Dapol 156 which draws complaints from the neighbours! The mechanism fills one entire coach, but thanks to the tinted windows it's not really noticeable.


It would have been nice if Bachmann had taken the time to fit lights and a DCC socket to bring the 170 into line with other units available, but alas these are still missing. I may have to try fitting lights myself…


Interestingly, the model is packaged in the older style of Farish box, not the latest version, which makes me wonder if they haven't been sat around in China for a while?


Anyway, here are a few close up photos:














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