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Blog- Port na Cailliche - Armadale Trackplan

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Here's the definitive plan for Armadle, I've taken the old plan for Port na Cailliche and flipped it over with some other minor alterations. This has interpolated quite well to the landscape of Armadale and could easily represent how the village might have developed had the railway arrived.




There's a link to the original flickr image at the end of this post with notes showing photos of various bits and bobs.


There are only two times where I've had to apply modeller's license:


1 - The Plockton-esque frontage remains as this would locate the centre of the town near the station, this would mean a slight movement of the road towards the sea.


2 - The headland at the right hand end of the plan, this does exist in real life near this location, but in real life would be slightly further to the left. This area has been foreshortened to create a visual barrier to mask stock exiting to/entering from the fiddle yard.


Here is a link to the original image on Flickr which has notes on it. These indicate what is what on the plan and show the inspiration behind the buildings/objects on the layout.



I have had the quote back from the national archives for the reproduction of the plans for the actual proposed line... £650!!! Therefore i'm going to find a day when I can go up there and take a look at them myself and reproduce the most interesting sections rather than the whole thing.


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