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Blog- The Fatadder's 2010 Blog - Foot bridge

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Little bit of work managed on the layout this evening, making a start on the Ratio footbridge, the central span is a little bit longer than it ideally would be (but its near enough that it can be worked round rather than having to start hacking it about even more.)

Because I am building the 5 panel version, it left bits for a 6th panel spare, this was used to give the extra span between the steps and the embankment.


The plan now is to get this section painted, paint the panels and roof supports and roof before gluing them into position (I dont fancy masking off those panels!) Will also have to make a decision as to what colour scheme to paint in.


I had been thinking about the similar prototype shown on old rmweb (cant find the link any more.) which was green with cream panels, though I need to have a think what would be suitable for my location (and I guess that means making a decision as to where I will set the layout then.....)


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