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KPC HH Controller Low output. Thyristor trouble?


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Hi Guys.


Can anyone help at all with this problem as I don't know enough about electronics.


Here's the problem.


After a wiring mess up I have a very low output from this controller. It should be around 12/13 v dc but is only a max of 2.14v dc


I have opened to controller and looked at the PCB. No signs of overheating.


The input is 21V ac and has never given a problem before. I have checked the Bridge Rectifier and this produces 17v dc but at the output solder points on the PCB it is only a max of 2.17v dc.


The only component I can think of is the thyristor. Could this be damaged? Is the low max output a sign that this comonent is damaged?


The trouble is I don't know how to take measurements from a thyristor. I can read the number on it, TIC106D, and these seem to be available from RS Comp.


Any help much appreciated. I don't have a circuit diagram!





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