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Cobalt ip Analogue with DCC


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I am in the midst of converting my analogue layout to DCC and have a query on Cobalt ip Analogue point motors. I have emailed DCC Concepts but have had no response so thought I would try here. I want to maintain analogue control of the point motors using the Cobalt S levers and frog polarity change. Do I feed the track power (given that it will be DCC AC now) into the Cobalt the same as I did with 12v DC? My instinct says no but I think I may be confusing myself ( not hard :no: )

Thanks in anticipation



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Just use the motors/levers as if for DC.    They will work perfectly with DCC if you use frog polarity switching as you would with DC.   Just wire as you would for DC, but turn on every section switch! (*)


Think of the wiring in terms of "left rail" and "right rail",  or "red wire, blue wire", and you're fine.   Don't overthink things, you have two wires with both methods of control, and they each go to one rail.   Touch the two wires together and you get a short circuit and stuff stops working.   That's all there is to it.   The rest is hogwash, confusion and people trying to sell you unnecessary junk.



(* its actually not daft to keep those section switches, because if you do get a fault and can't find it, switching off sections will massively speed up isolating the part of the layout with the fault !!! ).



- Nigel

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