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Blog- Max Stafford's Blog - A fistful of freight stock and a wee Ivatt

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True to the statement of intent declared on 're-setting the compass', I've been busy with wagonwork. This includes adding weathering to Bachy 16 tonners and progressing with a few kitbuilt offerings too.

These are illustrated here, the main two kitbuilt jobs being the 13t Highfit and an ex-LMS 20t Plate wagon.

I knnow the Highfit has a bumper and an axlebox cover missing, so no abuse from the cheap seats please! ;)

Lastly, is a 'Wee Ivatt', 46468, as used on the Ballachullish branch immediately prior to the deployment of the 27s. As it often ventured down the C&O to Stirling, it's appearance on Inchkennet is fully justified!


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