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7mm goods yard lamps


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I'm building (very slowly!) an O gauge layout and now working on a small(?) goods yard. I've built a goods shed lit with 2 12v GOW bulbs, but wired in parallel to 12v supply they were too bright; in series they were too dim. Eventually wired the lights in series through a switch to my DCC track power (about 15v AC?), and that gives me just about right brightness!

Now I want to put in some British-type goods yard lights, I think the posts weren't very tall, and had two arms which go upwards to the light itself which depends from a small shade (?). However, I can't find a supplier of them, and I am requiring about 6 (they will also be lighting up my loco depot.

Can anyone suggest a firm? The bulb of each lamp may be 12v GOWheat or GORice, or LED - I have plenty of 1k ohm resistors!

Thank you for any suggestions.


Edited by billtee
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Thanks for the tip about lamp shades - they look great! It looks as though I will have to make the yard lights, I was hopng some company made them in 7mm scale, but apparently not! Hey ho!

Anyway, thank you for your help.


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I have tried the Peco lights, and I'm not impressed as they are so fiddly to assemble! I'm wanting the electric lights (?) on a tall pole. I have plenty of goods yard and engine storage yard photos, and virtually all show a light post about(!) every four locomotives in distance from the next pole. I can't see any ladders up the poles on several photos, but on others there are ladders even though the lamps (under the shades) appear to be electric.

I have looked on the website for them, but can only find them in 4mm scale. Thank you, everyone, for your help. Bill

Edited by billtee
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I have tried the Peco lights, and I'm not impressed as they are so fiddly to assemble! I'm wanting the electric lights (?) on a tall pole. I have plenty of goods yard and engine storage yard photos, and virtually all show a light post about(!) every four locomotives in distance from the next pole. I can't see any ladders up the poles on several photos, but on others there are ladders even though the lamps (under the shades) appear to be electric.

I have looked on the website for them, but can only find them in 4mm scale. Thank you, everyone, for your help. Bill

have you seen these?


no idea, not tried them but would be interested in feedback if you do

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