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Hincaster Junction is a new 00 gauge model railway being constructed to cover the time period as a train spotter in my youth in Lancashire. Having sold our steam railway I now have the time and some space to build a representation of what I saw back then. Having looked at several actual locations I decided to try to aim to create the atmosphere rather that model an actual location. The exception being a model of Windermere station.


I was given by first Rovex train set at the age of 2 although not allowed to play with it for some time. This gave me on a lifelong interest in trains of all sizes. I had a model railway in my tean age years but interest in the real thing grew stronger.  I was fortunate to live in the Lancaster area as I left school and steam finally finished in 1968. I moved into railway preservation at Carnforth and the model railway took a back seat. I has heavily involved in preserving industrial standard gauge steam and then with the Bolton Abbey Steam Railway. Finally we bought and developed the Rudyard Lake Steam Railway. I did help George Hinchcliffe along the way with his 0 gauge Invercliffe & Fort Fay railway with is full scale model of Glenfinnan viaduct. So I have experience of a wide range of gauges but reverted to 00 as the best compromise for the space available 20 X13 feet and because I had a lot more of it than 0 gauge. 


The layout is in what was Santa's present store which is a very substantial shed. I has a new roof cover installed and spent a couple of months insulating it and then cladding the inside. finally fitting a laminate floor which is a great success and makes life much pleasenter and lighter when working underneath the base boards.


So far the base boards have been installed round the room and the main storage yard laid and the basic circuit is running. So trains are now being operated( played with)

I plan to record progress and started a gallery and have set up a Facebook page as well  for those with a more general interest in what I get up to at : https://www.facebook.com/Hincaster.Junction.a.00.gauge.Model.Railway/



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Work on the main double junction is almost complete with just ballasting and the curved lines to cut and fix on the lifting section.

The track is code 75 and bullhead track. Pity bullhead points are not available

Pictures and more information are are here


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The main circuit and yard are now functioning so some trains are being run for fun and to iron out any problems. Also trying to get to grips with sound that it helpful to the atmosphere but not just quickly an irritating noise and that is a challenge.



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The long slog of ballasting has started  with much of the main line done. The loco yard at Hincaster is underway but the point in the centre  has been left as I plan to replace it with a 3 way to give access to the coal siding for the LNWR " coal hole " which I plan to add shortly. It will make a nice contrast with the much larger No.2 mechanical plant based on Carnforth


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  • 2 weeks later...

Work moves on after a brief holiday with more work round the engine shed and 3 moguls to try out. 42968 has been transferred from Wyremouth to join its sister and  Ivatt classes 2 and 4 to set up. and start to add extra detail, coal etc




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Got a fair amount done today. Worked on the sound CV's on Falkland Islands with some success. Added some details to the new Black 5 .

Then stated on the shed area. Replaced the plain point with a 3 way so give access to the coal hole ramp. Put the ramp in position then laid the tracks.. Wired up and fitted the point motors. . Started to paint the rail sides. The coal hole ramp is shorter than I would like as more wagons would be stored on it

Can anyone tell me which side the loaded and empty wagons would be? I never saw one in use just the mechanical ones or the flat version like Lancaster Green Ayre





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More detailing to 44694.  I have fitted a loksound 4 sound decoder, detail pack, crew , coal etc. The main job still to do is to renumber it to a Carnforth engine, some mild weathering and loco lamps> it runs nicely but is a bit light on its feet. 


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I have almost finished playing with the shed area and I am pleased with how its come out. The electrofrog 3 way point is working ok now with the gaugemaster switching relays in place.

I just want to add an amenity block and some detritus as well as blending down the floor colours. 

I have been running trains to thoroughly check out the track and wiring. It was very hot when I laid some of it and I now have some quite wide fishplate gaps but at least it does not buckle.

The next step is to start on laying the yard and shed at the other station which will take about 26 points.




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A bit of LNER influence has crept in. The B1 has sound and I have added the crew and coal. it runs quite nicely if a little on the slow and quiet side. The pom pom was a bargain I could not resist. Having done a few 0 gauge Great Central locos I have great affection for them.





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  • 1 month later...

After a break for holidays progress has resumed. The paper works sidings have been installed at Hincaster Junction and are now up and running. Coal deliveries have commenced. The paper mill has ordered a Barclay Works no. 2134 to help with the shunting.


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I am about to start laying track again with the main station yard and engine shed. This will be in bullhead track but with standard code 75 points

But first I need to lay the Windermere branch tracks at the rear. I am contemplating venturing outside which would allow me to add one or two intermediate stations. I would especially like to include Burneside because I preserved the Ruston shunter from there back in 1973. It also had a substantial freight traffic. However I will keep the inside route for winter running.



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I have pressed on with laying the track in the yard with the carriage sidings laid and all the goods yard points now in position. I am not looking forward to installing the point motors> I gave up counting  once I had got over 25.





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Yes it is. It’s based on the one at Carnforth. I spent a great deal of time there in the past and would have liked to model all the shed as the ash plant and water tower are also available. I have compromised by following the general layout of the South end of the shed .

Yes it is. It’s based on the one at Carnforth. I spent a great deal of time there in the past and would have liked to model all the shed as the ash plant and water tower are also available. I have compromised by following the general layout of the South end of the shed .

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Ran a few trains today and laid more track in the goods yard and tested all the connections.

Of course I had missed one essential wire to allow access to the engine shed headshunt. So that was added and we are all good to go.  So I ran in the first proper goods train with a Super D which was very satisfying. 

I think I need to start doing the point motors before pushing on with the engine shed or it will become overfacing.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I am happy with the goods yard operation with the points all working and so I am slowly adding the scenary. Its lagely ballasted now but still rails to paint and lots of deatil to add. The Loco yard layout is also more or less settled.

I have also been tweaking some of the locos> I fitted a shorter drawbar to the Ivatt 2 but its still far too  long. I have a balck one to do as well so I will make two next time and take another 4mm off the length.





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  • 2 weeks later...

An ebay bargain ( band new and under £60) I could not resist. It runs very well , nice quiet and smooth although not a strong engine. It have added the dcc chip and a crew as it looks totally wrong running without one. Some real coal and toning down the brightwork and its now a really super engine. Pity it does not fit the North West area but who cares.



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Looks good and a massive shed! What's the dimensions?


Overall its 23.5 feet by 12.5 feet but about 5 feet of the length is used for other storage. We built it house Santa presents when we ran the railway at Rudyard Lake and its really well built by Oakenclough buildings. I spent quite a while insulating last winter it before starting on the railway and its been well worth it.

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A first attempt to film the layout. Getting the timing of it all right is a problem of not enough hands or brain power. The 4F was controlled by a simple railmaster programme and I was pleased with this. Just set it off and forget and it does the sounds as well


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  • 3 weeks later...

Moving forward I think. I have done a lot of ballasting which does look much better. Plus sorted out a separate bus for the points and accessories. I have had no trouble with capacity so far but it seems wise t try to keep ahead. I am constructing signals which I do find very tedious  especially given the number I need. I have also  got a few kits on the go. 





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