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Bill Bedford Etches

Derek Russan

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I am very pleased to tell you that Eileen's Emporium have taken over Bill Bedford models range of etched components and jigs. It will take a short while to get all the products onto the Eileen's website, so please keep checking. As part of the take over, Eileen's intends to make all items available from stock as well as improving descriptions and instructions. Clearly this will not happen immediately, but as you would expect, Eileen's website will be open about availability. All outstanding orders placed with Bill Bedford will be honoured by Bill Bedford.


Bill Bedford will continue to supply, his present Locomotive, Loco Frames, MU motorising and Wagon kits as well as the made-to-order coach etches, but these will be under new branding. A new range of coach kits is also under development. He will make an announcement when his website detailing the new products is up and running.





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