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Blog- Highclere - 2mm Finescale - And more electrics...

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Hello :)


I have this week off work (woohoo!) and one of my goals is to finish off the electrics and actually get something working on the layout, after all its only been about 4 years now plus I think people will get a bit bored at shows if nothing actually works!


Anyway, day 1 of my break this is how far I have got...




The control panel is now 90% finished. I just need to fix some magnets to it to hold the top bit down (which are on order)




Apart from bits like uncouplers and signals I THINK I have finished the wiring on both basebords now. I have one cable left to make and in theory I should be able to plug it all together and it hopefully will work! Thats quite a big milestone for me.




I thought I would post this as it shows how I have fitted the little flicker things (from the tea lights) to the layout. I have soldered them to a bit of veroboard and also added a variable resistor so I can tweak the brightness of them.




The final picture shows some more woodwork mods. I am fitting some cross braces to the underside of the baseboard which the legs slot into. The idea is to reduce the flex of the legs a bit.


On the subject of exhibitions I am getting a little worried. I am starting to think about taking the layout to some exhibitions (as I am starting to get invites for it) but reading some postings it seems people are getting quite critical over layouts they see. I dont mind constuctive critism but please be gentle with mine!


Missy :)


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