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Which chassis for Silver Fox 10000?

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Siver Fox recommend either the Hornby or Lima class 47 chassis for their resin body 10000/10001 loco.

Which would be best to use to produce a dummy loco to run as a pair with a powered one? Does the Hornby chassis have the motor like the tender drive steam models with no proper axles? I have no experience of diesel models and am ignorant of their constuction. I believe the Lima version does have axles.


Any advice appreciated!



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  • RMweb Gold

Lima diesel power bogies with 'pancake' motors tend to have gears that can be removed (have a look at some of the stuff on e-bay to see what I mean). Lima diesels are not good runners, but could be good at being towed by a decent power unit / chassis, so I would recommend a Lima for the dead chassis and a decent chassis (will Bachmann, Heljan or ViTrains do? I'd check with Silver Fox) for the powered unit.

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Thanks for that 96701, I have a powered unit which I believe has a Bachmann chassis and I figured that the Lima one might be best as an unpowered one because of its axles. They seem readily available with or without bodies on ebay and not too expensive.



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You'll struggle to fit a Bachmann or Heljan 47 chassis into a Silver Fox body without serious surgery. Other options worth considering are ViTrains "Lima compatible" 47 chassis or find one of Hornby's "new" 47's which are basically the Lima model with a better motor and DCC socket. The latter option is my favoured choice for my Silver Fox "Lion" when ebay finally spits one out for the right money (I have seen them for as little as £25, usually split from the "Blue Pullman" set).

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