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Beamish have steamed their 'Coffee Pot"

Neil C

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This would make an interesting modelling challenge...




Well done to Beamish for getting such an unusual (and impractical!) loco going again.

Nice Loco, but hardly impractical, small vertical boilers are quite efficient and quick to fire, once popular on narrow gauge as well, I have a 5 inch gauge version, a De Winton 040.



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  • RMweb Gold

This now the newest engine built in preservation and working, taking the mantle from Tornado?


I thought it was an extensive restoration or am I out of touch (Nothing unusual in that!:lol:)

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  • RMweb Gold

I thought it was an extensive restoration or am I out of touch (Nothing unusual in that!:lol:)


No, you are correct, it was merely a very extensive restoration, a very good job too if I might add!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The design isn't too far removed from the motor section of a GWR railmotor.

They were all vertical boilered machines, albeit with outside valve gear.




Well, sort of, but then again, no. From an engineering perspective they're very different: they're both steam engines with vertical boilers, yes, but that's where the similarity ends. The Head Wrightson design owes more that a bit to contemporary steam launch technology (as did the locomotives built by De Winton in Caernarfon for example). The boiler is a structural element of the design from which the cylinders are hung whereas the Railmotor design is basically a more or less conventional small locomotive chassis with a vertical rather than horizontal boiler placed on top.


It's also far from impractical in the context of biffing a few wagons around Beamish drift mine...



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