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what do certain years remind you of

Michael Delamar

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when you see a year, on a photograph for example or even just written in a newspaper,


such as 1965 or 1968, what do you immediatley think of?


for me, if i see 1968 im reminded of the end of steam on BR.


1965, the year Liverpool won the FA cup for the first time, and when Thunderbirds was first shown on TV.



some more years to start you off with...


1939, 1969.


add your own years and your own memories.



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If you mention '65, it reminds me of being born, well not literally, that would be unspeakably ridiculous.


1968 - last year of the Waverley Route, while everyone was looking the other way, hanging out at Carnfroth ;)


1969 - The Waverley closed on the 6th Jan, an indelible stain on that year


1976 - headcodes set to 0O00, long hot Last Summer of the Westerns, Dancing Queen, Elton & Kiki and music's Year Zero (Punk Rock ;) )

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Guest Max Stafford

1961 - Deltics, The Wall...!

1963 - snow...!

1966 - the high water mark of music and style, last hurrah of the A4s in God's country!

1971 - the last year of the '60s!

1981 - the last year of the traditional railway.

1989 - The last year of proper regular passenger trains in Scotland. The Wall...!



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  • RMweb Premium

1958 - start Sec School and train-spotting!

(May) 1962 and Miles Beevor sitting at the blocks at Kings Cross having just hauled my train from up north.

(April) 1963. The one and only three day steam shed and works bash I ever managed to afford and I copped approx 5,200 locos. YEA! Oh yes. Pres Kennedy was assassinated in November, which had a profound effect on all my friends and family and myself.

1964 Laira closes.

1966 last time hauled by a BR steam loco (Manchester to Bolton - Bolton 0 Plymouth Argyle 1!!!!!). I left school and went to College.

(July) 1967; sitting (honestly) in girlfriend's flat in Weymouth and hearing a Bulleid whistle and then racing off to the Shed to discover some of the last few live steam locos on the SR.

(August) 1968; the end of real steam AND when I got hitched!

1976. Long hot summer and when I prevented a catastrophic fire on the Settle and Carlise near Appleby by p****ng on a smouldering wooden sleeper (caused by sparks from brakes on a passing C40).

1978; working in Findon Road S Box at Wellingborough.

1987; the year I had to stop playing footy!

2003 First fired/drove a steam loco.

Apologies for missing out almost all the important world events.


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  • RMweb Premium

1966 - West Ham win the World Cup ;) !

1967 - End of SR steam and hearing some truly original music (Pink Floyd, Traffic, "Pepper" era Beatles, Cream etc)

1968 - End of BR steam (except for the Rheidol line of course), Fleetwood Mac and the rise of British Blues.

1969 - O Levels, and my all-time top tune (just) enters the charts ("Badge" by Cream.) Getting into somer proper rock music from Zeppelin, The Who, Jethro Tull, Yes, Spooky Tooth, King Crimson etc etc.

1971 - Starting first job (badly paid and tedious, nothing really changes) and first experiences of the "joys" of commuting on class 302 EMUs to and from Fenchurch Street. Buying my first "proper" hi-fi, an early example of Sir Alan Sugar's finest and UTTER RUBBISH. My portable mono record player sounded better.....

1973 - Pink Floyd release DSOTM. Nothing more to say.

1977 - End of the class 52s, the excitement of punk rock and a sad break-up with girlfriend :( , then meeting my future wife later on the same year :D . Jethro Tull release "Songs From The Wood", one of my all-time fave albums.

1980 - Marriage and a mortgage!

1990 - First ever exhibition layout goes "on the road", appearing at the Chelmsford exhibition.

That'll do for now.

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1996 was a memorable year for me, particularly the summer - just a few days apart, I was awarded my BSc (Hons) AND Terry Venables's England squad produced that cracking display in Euro '96 against The Netherlands! :)



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So many years have a certain poignancy for me but the following is a heavily edited list


1965: Moving to Manchester and witnessing steam engines at VERY close quarters!!! Also the haunting long-lens scene of Churchill's funeral train on TV


1968: The profound sadness of the end of steam prompting a falling out of love with railways


1969: Man City winning the FA Cup!!! Watching the moon landing live


1973: Roxy Music's 'For Your Pleasure' album blowing my mind


1976: Two weeks of haymaking in the glorious but notorious heatwave


1977: Moving away from home, to London and college. Punk/New Wave


1987: Birth of my son


1994: A tragic F1 weekend culminating in Ayrton Senna's death


2004: The year I fell in love with railways again… only model ones this time


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1961 Tottenham Hotspur won the Double ( Ouch i remember it, wont happen again though )


1968 Left school and got an apprenticeship (hated school )


1976 Got Married


1994 Got divorced


2004 Got cancer


2006 Got married to a speacial lady and went into remission

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  • RMweb Premium

1989 - I was born, though as other have said, not that I remember that much of it laugh.gif

1995 - Colin McRae becomes Britain's first World Rally champion. Didn't really realise the significance at the time, being 6

2001 - September the 11th was my second day at secondary school. Certainly a day to remember, and probably the first "big moment" I remember well, a bit like people remembering where they were when JFK was shot




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