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Well,with having failed at two O gauge layouts and two failed starts at the Cameo layout challange, (this year!) i thought i`d give this a ago?.


So...welcome to my (small) slice of Mississippi backwoods railroading.....


The idea is to create a scene showing some railroad employees working on a small criter, (locomotive) which is along side the railroads engine house.

It`ll be typical of 40`s & 50`s shortline yard`s, where scrap,rubbish and just about anything you can think of is lying around that was once useful to the railroad and is now just junk.

So what can expect to see as thing`s move along?,well, rusty metal, rotton timber`s and lot`s weeds and a general air of neglect will be the order of the day..and perhaps a bit mud as well..!!


Anyhow here are a few of the bit`s i shall be using.....




the content`s include,and not all shown are;

cake box (of course!)

small box picture frame (for the base)

some white metal figures detail parts,inc resin ones.

various woods and metals for walls/roofing and to lay the rail`s on.

And the main railroad/way components are;

the Kerosene locomotive kit

and a couple of Proto 48 (scale US o gauge) freight car trucks.


This is going to be a pretty organic build (as they say) because i only have a vauge idea at the moment as to where things will go.

But hopfully it should all work together!


So i`ll see ya`ll on down the track.....



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