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Great stuff , love the details on the telegraph pole.


I think it just looks " right " , it looks just like one of those places I would have loved to use as a young lad to hang about in and smoke my dads fags !


Thanks for that, I know just what you mean!

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  • 5 months later...

Well, it's been a while, but with several other more pressing modelling projects out of the way, I can get back to my original idea, a model of the tiny (but very interesting) Boscarne Exchange Platform. After a rummage around for bits and pieces I've cut a piece of MDF for the base and assembled together some oddments of track and foam. Which is as far as I got today, because I suddenly remembered yet another job I need to do whilst the weather is fine!


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Slight modification to the contours carried out, all painted brown as an undercoat; and a length of PECO code 100  track with the sleepers re-gauged for a more prototypical appearance. This piece of track is of some considerable age, and the chair mouldings are much more pronounced than the current variety, so being more suggestive of bull-head trackwork.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The hot weather put paid to modeling activity for a while, but I got a bit done today, and Boscarne Junction platform is largely complete. I've had to shorten it a bit otherwise it would have taken up most of the front of the diorama.


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  • 1 month later...

Refurbishing our bathroom put paid to most modelling for a few weeks, but some progress has been made recently. All the fencing and lights/lamp-posts are now made and fixed, and the track has been ballasted. My stock of fine grit from a path at Brimham Rocks in Yorkshire, which I use for ballast, had run out, and I didn't want to buy a packet of commercial stuff for such a small length of track, so I spent a couple of hours in the garden bashing a piece of limestone with a hammer and sieving the results!


Just a lattice signal to make (I have enough parts left over from a Ratio kit), a telegraph pole or two to detail/modify and then it's on to the ground cover.




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Well, that's it just about finished. Might just add a passenger enjoying the beauty of the Cornish scenery whilst waiting for the train to Bodmin North. I've tried to recreate some of the reference photos I used to build this model, and if I knew how to use Photoshop properly, I could put them side-by-side!









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  • RMweb Premium

Well, that's it just about finished. Might just add a passenger enjoying the beauty of the Cornish scenery whilst waiting for the train to Bodmin North. I've tried to recreate some of the reference photos I used to build this model, and if I knew how to use Photoshop properly, I could put them side-by-side!

Had a little play with an App on my iPad, hows this:



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