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Alex TM

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Hi everyone,


(Light editing on 16th November 2017 to correct errors, and reflect changes referred to in post 2)


After much deliberation, head-scratching, and false starts I have now begun a new 00 layout.



Wiswell is a small goods yard at the end of an ex-GER branch somewhere in Norfolk.  The era is the late 1950s through early 1960s; although steam haulage may occasionally be seen the line has experienced the modernisation plan, and is mostly diesel operated.  Typically of ex-GER lines, it was lightly built meaning that its RA of 4 limits the motive power that can be used.  The branch s near the end of its life.



A hybrid of 'Wisbech' and 'Upwell' using an idea that I have shamelessly stolen from Mullie of this parish.



The hope is to build the whole on an already built board that's slightly under 6'x1'.  As it's effectively a shunting layout, this may prove sufficient, however there is timber remaining to enable the addition of a short fiddle yard.



Based on the Ian Futers' "Fisherrow"/"Victoria Park" track layout with operation leaning towards the former.



I have always tried to cram as many buildings and as much track per square inch of board as possible; this time round I want to aim for something that's a mix of 'Upbeach St. Mary's', 'Juniper Hill', and 'Mutton', as seen on this site.  Buildings will be based on a number of those found around the 'Wisbech & Upwell Tramway".


Raison d'etre

My railway interests are wide and varied, however many of them do not, for practical reasons, translate well enough into model form for my skills and resources.  For many years also I have had a soft spot for the W&U Tramway, as well as a love of minor railways.  The reasonable availability of suitable stock, and my recent purchase of two Bachmann class 03s (D2011 & D2016) in plain green settled the matter.  The era of the turn of the 50s into the 60s also allows me to run a wide variety of stock.



Work commitments over the next six weeks or so will mean that there is unlikely to be much initial progress, but some space between Christmas and New Year should allow something to appear.


Thanks for taking the time to read.





Edited by Alex TM
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Hi everyone,


Barely twenty-four hours from the first post, and changes have taken place.  My pair of Class 03s had previously only been tested on the 'straight and narrow', but when being properly run in I was not impressed by their running quality on curves and points.  They were okay, but no better, and didn't like to crawl.  This meant it was time for a rethink.  With a pile of other locos and stock to go, I looked to see what was available.  Home I came with four new locos - a pair of Hornby J50s, a DJ J94, and a Bachmann 08, all with early logos.


The outcome is that the layout is now going to have more of an ex-GNR theme to the locomotives and stock.  The plan is otherwise unchanged.


Thanks for taking the time to read this.





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Hi again,


A couple of links to give an idea of what I am thinking.


This first one links to a blog page where Ian Futers' plan is shown:



The second, is to another thread on here, and gives something of the flavour of what I would love to achieve:



As ever, thanks for taking the time to read this.





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Thanks for the question.


Work was somewhat busier than anticipated over the period from the start of December through until this week.  This is usually a busy time for me, but this year it went a little nuts!


I did get some modelling done but it wasn't in connection with this.  Let's just say that over Christmas I have seen enough bauxite paint to last a lifetime - lots of NCB stock being built, converted, and painted.


Nothing of any consequence has happened since my last post on this thread.  No modelling, but some more images found as well as scale drawings for a couple of small buildings from the W&U.  An East Anglian route would still be my preference compared with a Great Northern one.  I hope to get some done soon.


Thanks and regards,



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