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Scale Chain Recomendations

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I am trying to source some fine scale chain for the 891mm project.


I have had a scour about on the internet and I am unable to find anything that (in my eyes) resembles scale chain. I have found many suppliers who are able to supply similar to that of the image attached, however to me the links are too rounded and too corse.




Does anyone have any recommendations or experience of a particular supplier of finescale chain that they are willing to share?


The application is for the stanchions on a wagon similar to this in a scale a smidge larger than 7mm...




Many thanks...

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  • RMweb Gold

I know that Langley Models stock at least three different chains each with several links per inch.Branchlines is another stockist of fine chain.

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This site is aimed at mainly boat moddellers but they do lots of useful other things as well.




Bolts, nuts, ladders, hand wheels and pulleys are some of the useful scratch building aids that come to mind in a variety of sizes and surprisingly low prices,



Thanks for that link, some of the smaller chain may be useful for Mermaids and Conflats.

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Now that the originl question has been (hopefully) answered, here is one arising from the photo, What is the Prototype?


Yours baffled,




The prototype is a 14t "Op" Open Wagon used on the Swedish 891mm gauge lines throughout the country on the many narrow gauge lines.




Designed in the early 40's and brought into service in the late 40's early 50's their design was for general merchandise, however they were used on anything from Timber, coal through to being converted as Ore tipplers. Their unique features are the end and sides which fold down onto the bed thus creating a flat wagon if required. The removable stakes along the sides and ends are used much like they are on modern timber wagons today, or as an aid for sheeting.


The image above is a more accurate image of an Op wagon. The wagon in OP is on a Preserved line and appears to be on the wrong underframe, however its the best I have to demonstrate the chain issue..

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