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PECO N Gauge Code 55 Geometry

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I'm looking at building a layout based on code 55 track, and from the package I'm using it looks like putting two medium radius points head to head (to make a cross-over), which means it has the same separation as the double crossover (SL-383F).


When I compare that to the intertrack distance used in N gauge Setrack (bigger), I think the minimum radius must be different for Finescale so that passing trains on corners don't touch. Does anyone know what the minimum radius is?


Is it 450mm?

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In Code 55 all the points have the same angle between the diverging tracks, as they do in code 75 and 100 in 00. If the geomtry is a simple circular curve then a larger radius would result in this angle being smaller - as it is in Code 80. Hence Peco have done something "clever" with the geometry, it can't be a simple curve. Nominal radii are quoted in the Peco catalogue but I'm afraid I don't recall them after a long day!

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  • RMweb Gold

I expect its the same as the 0 gauge track where two points can make a crossover but the spacing between tracks is only suitable for straights and large curves. When adding a curve you have to widen the track spacing a little. How much depends on the curve and the length and width of your stock. Outside cylinder locos can be a problem.


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