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Questions concerning modelling 4mm (OO) Pullman coaches

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    Please excuse if this type of question has been asked before ......


    I am wanting to model the Bournemouth Belle in the late 1950's early 60's


    Firstly  what was the formation of the rake, what type and how many of each etc ,   Obviously I appreciate it may vary.


    As far as modelling goes, what is the best way to proceed, given that 'Golden Arrow' coaches are out of my budget.


    Are there kits available,  or do readers think it is better to go with RTR stock ?   If so can these been detailed to improve the finished model ?


   Are there any books available on the various Pullman coaches ?


    Realise the question is quite wide, I am just after as much information as I can get.


    Have a couple of loco's waiting to pull the finished model......


     Many thanks, Ian 


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If you want to get a Bournemouth Belle running quickly behind your MN, then Hornby offer a good selection of cars from which to assemble a representative train. These can be detailed or worked on to any extent you desire. Simpler options include paint and powder treatment of the running gear and underframe to conceal the plastic behind road dirt, replacement of the rather coarse water filler pipes, weathering of the roof and sides to better represent in service appearance, interior paint and passengers, fitting alternative bogies. Repaints, re-naming/numbering, modification to represent a specific vehicle; whatever you choose as you gain experience.

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This link has a lot of useful information on the Bournemouth Belle - https://www.kentrail.org.uk/bournemouth_belle.htm

As others have said, Hornby has a wide range of suitable Pullmans, although probably not all are currently available, and the non-Railroad ones have lighting and a high level of detail that would be hard to achieve from a kit, if suitable ones were actually available.

There are a number of books covering Pullman history, most are fairly wide ranging, but there is a series of more specialised books, covering specific types, such as the twelve wheeled ones, and the K types.

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