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Flickering tail/head lights on locomotive

Jenny Emily

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I've seen a similar issue mentioned with DCC stock, but not for DC. I am running on Peco code 100 track with a Gaugemaster Series D controller.


The problem occurs with my Bachmann class 37s and the newer Bachmann 25s (the older 24/25s don't have working lights on their chasses). The lights predominantly shine indicating the correct direction, but occasionally they appear to flicker very quickly, and show red tail lights instead of white head lights and vice versa. I've tried cleaning the track and cleaning the wheels, but whiclst this seems to help a small amount, the problem persists. It is most likely to occur when the locomotive is negotiating pointwork, however it does sometimes occur running at low speed on plain track.


It does not cause a problem for running - the locomotives will not stall or short out the controller when it happens. It just seems odd that five different locomotives bought over a number of years all exhibit exactly the same issues. It just looks a little silly with locomotives having all lights at both ends briefly flickering merrily away.


Has anyone else had similar issues and are there any easy fixes? Anyone know exactly what the cause might be?

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