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Blog- Calshot 4mm - SRS's Blog - Debate: What makes exhibition layouts interesting

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I was thinking during my struggles to come up with a plan for Calshot MkII what I would want from it when I exhibit it locally - and perhaps what other people might like to see.


Here are some of my thoughts;


1) Mainline 'roundy-roundy' - That enjoyment of watching prototypically long trains go round and not knowing what the next one will be.


2) Something unique/unusual - That 'oh, that's a bit different' thought. With Calshot, I would like to think it falls under this category.


3) Based on a well-known prototype - Again, I would hope Calshot falls into this category


4) A layout with outstanding modelling - Such as Catcott Burtle, Pempoul etc


So, how on earth do I compete with those huge 'tail chaser' layouts which require a crew of at least 4 with long mainline expresses with something always on the go. Let's be honest, they are always the crowd pullers at exhibitions are they not?


Perhaps we smaller layout builders have to rely on the other two points - unusual prototypes, and layouts with great modelling. I'm going to be honest here - I can not match the skill of many layout builders on this forum so I find it harder to capture the imaginations of punters - particularly more so because of my young age!


So the questions I put forth to everyone reading this blog are:


i) How do small layouts capture your attention

ii) How do you keep people watching a small layout

iii) What components/category of layout do you look for in an exhibition layout?




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