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This years little layout

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Hi all, 


With mine and the wifes layouts heading for storage in the loft of the house, so we can tidy and decorate the current railway room / store room and change back into a spare bedroom (i'm losing my railway room  :cry: ). I needed a small keep me sane project for the foreseeable future, with the loft too low to stand up in and only partially boarded, I needed a really small project. So after finding the off cut from the previous joint project i found myself with at small 4 foot by 6 inch board to play with. This has been approved to live under the stairs once I tidy that up as well. So i started planning what i could build on the board, knowing I just got my Dapol railcar wanted that to be the main focus for the lay out so decided a small terminus was the best idea. 


Below the plan on the board



Now with track laid on the board hoping the railcar will go round the bends and not crash into the backscene on approach to the fiddle yard. 



Now to wire up and test the electrics but first really need to start on the tidying so further progress can be allowed by management. 



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No idea of setting at the minute, could be in the middle of a mill yard, a small terminus somewhere at the back of town, or something along those lines. Currently liking the idea of the viewer stood on the platform with the back of some building/s in front of them and to the side in the other space some other buildings. Still playing about with ideas but this is the track plan I've gone with as it leaves lots of space for ideas for what goes around it. 


Also learnt a valuable lesson today, don't get distracted when wiring or you end up reversing the DCC jumpers half way down the layout  :banghead:

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Ok had time to do a quick paint of the track and the buffer stop, now to file away the layout for a couple of weeks while life gets in the way. 


Not the best photo in the world but the camera on the phone I've got is not the best. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all, 


Had a few hours to play with the layout today, tested all the wiring the point motors and made sure everything could get out of the fiddle yard as its a tight bend out of it. Gave the back scene a coat of paint and started to build the end wall to the station. Now have a choice to make, buy a wills platform kit, or print the scalescenes one i have, which brings another choice replace ink in the old battered printer or purchase a new one. Any way a couple of picks of the layout as it is. 





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Check the price for the ink first; and then it primarily an economic decision: can I use up the new purchased ink in your printer (printing this and possibly other kits) before it goes and turns turtle on you.


Nowadays, they printer suppliers will sell you cheap printers with tiny first-use ink cartridges in order to sell expensive ink follow-up cartridges for you. 3rd-Party-Refills alleviate that situation somewhat but I have had mixed personal experiences with that, too.


And printing kits will use up ink like nobody's business, too.


My 0,02€ but Rule #1 applies.


Looking forward towards new developments ...


Best regards,


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