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St Michael's Hill - Modern image micro-layout. Suburban Station

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A little more work this morning. I have used for filler to complete the tow path and have given it a quick coat of paint. Ready for some extra detailing and weathering. I also need to tidy up the wall a little at the near end!


I have also built the wall on the bank side that is going to support the girder bridge. Just need to wait to the filler to dry and I can smooth it up a little and paint the rest of the hillside ready for some scatter material! 


Edited by richscylla
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been doing a little bit of work on the layout tonight after 


I have installed the second wall on the canal bank that will support that bridge:

I have also started the canal - I have got a pretty good result so far. Needs a few days to dry out fully then I can get to painting. I have also left some spaces for some canal debris, and spent longer than I would have liked sawing a 00 wheelie bin in half! 


I have also started to build up the second hill on the other side of the bridge. Not sure how it'll work, but I'm using a load of spare packaging materials covered in a load of PVA and water. It might not work, but if it does it's a great free way to build it up!


More to come soon...

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Liking the canal feature- have you thought of using car repair resin for the water- once set it has a opaque brownish red hue and is very appropriate for canals and stagnant water.

Much cheaper solution compared to Woodland scenics too. 

Thanks Russ, I was going to go with some high gloss clear wood varnish over acrylic paint to try and get that same effect. We'll see how it works

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have done a little more on the layout this weekend. Firstly I have painted up the swans which I think look pretty decent!

They're starting to look at home on the canal, which I have now painted and started to add the clear varnish to. I needs a few more layers, which I'm occasionally adding watery layers of paint to give a little more depth to the colour and the effect. I have also given the boats a paint. They need a few more details, and I'll probably give them a coat of gloss varnish. 



I have also started to add the tunnels that are going to lead to the fiddle yard. The openings are peco faceplates, that I will build the scenery around. 


More updates coming soon!

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Another modelling night!

I have taken part of a Wilks kit to make the butresses for the bridges over the canal. These will need painting and weathering at some point, but I think that they will work well. 


I have done a lot more work on the bridge and given it the first coat of paint. The red is taken FOREVER to go on, it'll take many, many coats. One of the butresses gives an idea of how it'll look.  I have also added some girder detailing underneath the bridge. 



It's getting to a point where I'm getting an idea of how it's all going to look and I'm pretty pleased. Needs some details added and the foliage added!

I have also planned out where the tunnels are going a little more. I have stuck down the wall at the front and started to build the landscape around it too. 



More pictures will come at the weekend, I won't get much time to work on it before then. 

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You're making good progress there.

I like the 2 single tunnels. I feel Peco's double is too fat so I think what you have looks much better.

What are you going to do with the non-passenger side? Maybe a private company such as a coal or sand merchant would work. The local mixed freight yards disappeared in the 60s.

I like your choice of urban too. It gives you a good excuse to surround the station. If it was rural, it would just look cramped. The only downside is that buildings take longer to complete than fields & hills but they are rewarding when completed.

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Another weekend where I had some time to get on the layout! Started making some good progress. I got the banking down to the canal covered in the glorious green stuff which makes all the difference! It feels weird doing this so early, but I need to do the canal scene so I can stick the bridges down and start laying the track. 



I've add some more detail to the canal tow path, with some graffiti and some greenery along the wall where there is some overgrown weeds. I'm really happy with how it all looks!



I've also got the bridges stuck down, added the brick supports and have filled the recess behind the wall on the tow path. I think I'm ready to start laying the track, which feels like where most projects should start!! 


Progress might be a little slow over the next week as I don't think I'll get any time next weekend to work on it. I'll try and steal some time of an evening!

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It's time to start laying the track! I'm a little bit nervous about this as it leads to wiring - the job I'm most out of my depth with! But it has to be done! 

For better or worse I have decided to mess around with sleeper spacing on the track - seeing as I don't have that much to lay, and it's going to be a little bit destressed and under-loved anyway so if it all goes wrong I can blame that! The piece of track on top is the standard spacing and the one below is more like how it will be spaced when I've fixed it done. 


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The picture of the GUV on the bridge is so Temple Meads for me.  Driven past the station for nigh on thirty years and that picture is as it used to be ....when it was more interesting.  Thanks for the shot.

That's good to know - as Temple Meads was the inspiration for that! Picked bits up from Temple Meads, Filton Abbey Wood, Patchway, Bristol Parkway and Yeovil Pen Mill - as well as the lines around the Bristol area. 

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That track looks very different and much better! Are you using code 100?

Yes - I would have liked to have used 75, but as this is a project for getting back into the hobby I wanted to do it a little cheaper. So I have picked up a load of second hand Lima stock which I read wouldn't fare too well on 75 without new wheel sets. I actually got my first DCC train running this weekend - I hardwired a Lima 37 with a Hornby chip and it worked! I was stunned! The electrics are not going to be my strong point and I'm already panicking about linking everything to bus wires, wiring points and putting signals and lighting in! 

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I started off the weekend laying the track and soldering the droppers. I found the whole process a little tricky, but I think they have gone OK in the end. 


Then I built up what is going to be a road crossing as a bit of a scenic break, simply put together with card and then a mix of toilet paper and watery glue to make some sort of filling and then when it dry I used polyfilla on top to dry it hard! I LOVE using the polyfilla to make the scenery. It just works and feels good. 

I have also started on the platform - using peco edging and building a simple card frame. I'll use thin card to top it and then add a mix of plaster and plastikard for the top.


You can see the final shape of the hill around the bridge mouth in the distance:

Next job will be to fit the cosmetic point motors, cable trunking, relay boxes etc - then I'll be ready to ballast! Although I want to wire it all up and test the points etc. before ballasting! The scary job is almost here!

Finally here is the Class 37 I have hard-wired a DCC decoder into! Just needs some detailing and weathering, although I will do all of that stuff later in the year when I can get the airbrush outside!


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WOW! Some serious and very impressive progress in the last couple of weeks. I like your desire to try different things like the sleeper spacing and DDC wiring and all done so successfully! Keep up the great work and you are going to have a great layout.



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