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Blog- Hammer's Blog - A Boxfile Diorama?

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Since my last blog post, I've only been home once. I had been hoping to make progress in ballesting, painting and maybe doing something to counter the current billiard table effect. Annoyingly, I wasn't able to get any of that done due to other time commitments. With the problems of job hunting, dissertation and so on, I'm not going to get near it again for a few months.


So, I've been pondering making a box file diorama with a duel purpose - to let me take pictures of models against something other then my room or white paper and to let me practice ballasting and laying grass before I do something larger.


I'm not thinking of doing anything at all complicated. Just a length of track, maybe on a slight embankment, angled diagonally across the box's flap, a cloudy back-scene and maybe a very small building.

The only at all interesting thing I was thinking about doing was mounting a light or two in the top of the box to aid photographic efforts, but that would be a late stage addition I think.


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