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OTA timber wagons - paint scheme query


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Can anyone tell me the colour of the inside of the ends of these wagons when in Railfreight Red? I know the outsides are red along with the stanchion bases but are the inner ends the same or a darker colour, perhaps the same colour as the planked floor? I have looked in the usual places (Paul Bartlett's site, etc), but can't find a good, clear photo giving me a definitive answer. I have a couple of Cambrian kits I'm desperate to get painted this weekend, so any info will be greatly appreciated!

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The issue is a little complicated, the instruction leaflet which came with your wagon kits describes the livery variations for individual wagons.


If you've lost/misplaced this I can post it - it's just a bit of a job to type up.

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Thanks for your kind offer. I have the instructions here - they do indeed give some livery details for specific examples, but not examples with the correct number of stanchions/railfreight red livery combination that I wish to model. I was hoping somebody might know if there was perhaps an original, generic colour for the inside of the ends, and it seems that this may have been black, with some examples receiving bare (ply)wood protective skins to the ends (as in the photo above) and others being repainted a variety of colours. I think I'll just go with matt black.

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