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Structures from Cadeleigh - photos now attached

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'Project Z' is the name given to a new OO project that I am starting in the near future, along with a couple of (non-forum) friends. Basically, we remember with much affection the fun operating sessions we used to have in the school model railway club and in the first few years after leaving school, using make-shift baseboards and minimal scenery. It was tremendous fun, but we then started to pursue seperate modelling paths.


I will be posting more about the layout side of 'Project Z' on my blog in due course, but I was very fortunate to be able to acquire some superb scratchbuilt structures from another friend, who is now moving up to a larger scale.


For myself I was able to acquire models of Cadeleigh goods shed and weighbridge office. These will ultimately be used on 'Project Z'.















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They're actually scratchbuilt from card by my friend, the stonework was embossed on the card by hand, apparently...



That takes them from 'cute' to outstanding [iMO] They look as though you'd need a fork lift truck to move them, and that's before they are in a suitable setting. I'd love to see a 'How to'.



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