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Tudor Lane TMD - 00 Gauge

Jake B

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Hi all, 

I'm Jake and whilst i'm new to the fourm.


My layout project that I recently started is called Tudor Lane TMD and is a fictional EWS / DB Depot.


The layout is a 6ft x 1ft DC control yard scene layout. 


Here are some images to show its early stages.










As you can see above, the layout is very much work in progress, I look forward to showing future progress with the layout soon. 

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Afternoon all, 

Quick little update for you on with layout progress. 




The entrance to the depot, now with fence, grass verge and carpark (Currently under construction)




Also, I've painted the board in asphalt grey, to represent a road texture. the section of unpainted board is where the fiddle yard will be once finished. 

I will be posting update videos on my YouTube Channel and Facebook page as well as my Twitter page. So please free to check those out. Links will be below. 



Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/TudorLaneTMD/?modal=admin_todo_tour

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCInR4IENJp99XcitcR8EHjg/featured

Twitter Page: https://twitter.com/LaneTmd

Website: https://jakebonner.wixsite.com/tudorlanetmd

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Great progress in only one day!Is it going to based on any location?


Oh no this wasn't one day, The main photos at the top were taken around 2 - 3 weeks ago now. 

The up to date photos are from today though. Sorry, I proberly should of mentioned that above..... My Bad.. lol



In answer to your question. Whilst the layout isn't based on a specific location, I've kinda said on my website its roughly based around the Midlands given the idea for it being a EWS / DB Depot. Thus allowing me to use both steam and diesel on the layout. 


In case anyone is interested all the track is Peco Code 100 Streamline I believe its known as? I'm sure someone will correct me if i'm wrong. 


The reasoning for this is that my layout has been designed with exhibition use in mind thus a reasonably simple track plan. 




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Evening all, 


Just a small update from me this evening, little bit more progress added, including back scene boards and more scenery. :) 




A close up view of the new fencing around the yard, with a naughty railway Enthusiast trying to see what is in the yard.  :scratchhead: erm... lol




A close up shot of the Railway Enthusiast sat on top of his land drover, trying to see into the yard. Erm... wonder what he can see... lol



Thats all for today's update. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Evening all, 


Apologies for the lack of updates recently. Here's a few shots from today.



08631 "Lion" seen coupled to two EWS Mineral wagons.



A close up shot looking into the yard from the entrance. Note the land drover also sat near the entrance.



A close up look at the hand pained graffiti on the wall of the yard building.

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  • 1 year later...

Evening all, 

Here's a future update to Tudor Lane TMD with scenery work (detail) starting to take place in front of the fiddle yard with a fence now added to give a more realistic look to the layout. 



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