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dcc and DC layout

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I am going to run both DC and DCC equipt locos on my layout I have purchased the MRC Black Box and i need to hook up a DPTP switch to change control sources can anyone offer a sketch as to how to wire this up please ??


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  • RMweb Gold

Its as Dutch masters says. The middle pair are known as common because they are connected to one of the outer pairs depending on the throw of the switch. So with DC to one outer pair and DCC to the other outer pair throwing the switch will connect the track to either.


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I'm not sure but I think the MRC black box is wired directly into the DC and allows DCC locos to be run on the DC with the use of the functions being controled from the black box. You need to serch the site as there has been other posts about the black box in the past. Or you could contact Gaugemaster technical dept and they will be able to tell you how to wire it up.




mike g

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not sure but I think the MRC black box is wired directly into the DC and allows DCC locos to be run on the DC with the use of the functions being controled from the black box. You need to serch the site as there has been other posts about the black box in the past. Or you could contact Gaugemaster technical dept and they will be able to tell you how to wire it up.regardsmike g


An extract from here


If you use non-decoder equipped locos the BlackBox must be removed from the powerpack to run them.


Putting dpdt switch wiring into a search engine will yield dividends.

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The DC power pack will either feed the track via the black box, or direct to the track, the switch simply allows the feed direct or via the MRC box.



I am not sure if the box is pre-fitted with the required switch, but it could be wired externally, if you need the diagram I can post, it is very simple really, just a double change over switch such as used for reverse loops etc.



EDIT Diagram added....


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