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A quick & Dirty test of 12 speakers for DCC


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I've been trying to do such a test for some time and having recently used the iPhone 6, it spurred me on to make some comparisons.

It consists of 12 various speakers I had to hand.
The test runs through a sequence of the 12 speakers with two differing sounds.

Nothing brilliant but I think it shows just how different some can be and also what a difference sealing a speaker enclosure can make.

I'll leave you to make up your own minds. Everyone's ears differ.

The chip is a V4 with Biffo Class 37 sounds. (not the latest).

NOTE: The iPhone speakers are in pairs, one on top of the other.

All speakers 4 ohm except the last. 8ohm.


Find it here.

Edited by dasatcopthorne
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Thanks for posting that video Dave, I was surprised that some speakers I thought would sound good actually didn't and vice versa. 


Michael / All.


I think that this shows that the ears / mind adapt to sounds / speakers when heard in isolation but when heard quickly in comparison a whole different picture emerges.


There are, of course, many other speakers available that look interesting but I don't have any others than the ones 'tested'.


Of course, if anyone fancies sending me others I'll add them in.



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Hi Dave,


First post here.  Thanks for the testing and video.  Very interesting!


I'm pretty new to DCC Sound and looking for the right speaker for a small home layout and the iPhone6 speaker seems very clear in your video.  I'm interested in getting one for myself and see how it sounds at home, but I don't want to cook it or the decoder.  Do you have any more details about the test setup you were using, in particular the decoder and if the speakers were connected "direct" without any series or parallel stuff.


Do you have any more details of the iPhone6 speaker used, what kind of iPhone6 speaker it was (serial number?) and the basic ohm / wattage if possible?  I'm likely to use it with a Loksound v4 or Zimo MX644D in a Class 66 and wondering if I need to do anything special like grouping two together, connecting in series/parallel or similar.  Could you recommend somewhere to get that same iPhone6 speaker?  I see Richard Croft is using double iPhone speakers for a Class 66 and wondering if these are similar to any you've tested. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/78924-dcc-sound-videos/?p=3163450


Many thanks for your patience,



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Hi Dave,


First post here. Thanks for the testing and video. Very interesting!


I'm pretty new to DCC Sound and looking for the right speaker for a small home layout and t

he iPhone6 speaker seems very clear in your video. I'm interested in getting one for myself and see how it sounds at home, but I don't want to cook it or the decoder.

Do you have any more details about the test setup you were using, in particular the decoder and if the speakers were connected "direct" without any series or parallel stuff.


Do you have any more details of the iPhone6 speaker used, what kind of iPhone6 speaker it was (serial number?) and the basic ohm / wattage if possible? I'm likely to use it with a Loksound v4 or Zimo MX644D in a Class 66 and wondering if I need to do anything special like grouping two together, connecting in series/parallel or similar. Could you recommend somewhere to get that same iPhone6 speaker? I see Richard Croft is using double iPhone speakers for a Class 66 and wondering if these are similar to any you've tested. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/78924-dcc-sound-videos/?p=3163450


Many thanks for your patience,





I buy my iPhone speakers on eBay. Probably the same as Richard.


They are 8 ohm each so two in parallel makes 4 ohm. ESU are ok with 4 or 8 Ohm but remember, with 8 ohm there will be less sound.


I haven't the faintest of the Wattage, sorry. I see no reason for 'cooking' a chip with these speakers. Because of how the contacts are laid out, when you stack one above another the contacts are in-line and only need slightly bending to make them touch and very easy to solder.


I used a V4 ESU chip so the speakers in the test were all connected direct to the chip via a rotary switch. Only the three iPhone sets are in pairs in parallel to make them 4 ohm. (2 x 8 ohm in parallel makes 4 ohm)


Lastly, the sounds used were a Class 37/4 by Legomanbiffo. I consider the sounds made by a Class 66 very much in the 'screaming' high pitch end and an iPhone speaker may not be the best for this class of loco. I would go for the Zimo double Dumbo (4 ohm) but I couldn't tell you if there is room enough or not on a 66.


Hope this helps.



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I would say the opposite regarding the class 66, the high pitched sounds are played very well by the iPhone speakers





What I meant was that I think the iPhone speakers, lacking some base, only increase the high pitch notes or at least leave out what low notes there are in the recording.


Still, everyone to their own. It's only my opinion and I dare say there will be a few more others.



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Many thanks both for the replies.


Living next to a Freightliner depot and branchline, even with the high pitched "ying-yinging" there's an underlying "thud-thud" when idling so ultimately I'll probably end up experimenting with a quality high speaker such as the iPhone, and something deeper.  Perhaps one iPhone speaker and a Zimo LS40X20X09-1W maybe?  I'm keen to try out some of the double dumbos as well.  For my tiny layout volume isn't too much of a worry.


I look forward to future comparison videos and may end up posting some of my own in future.


Many thanks,



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What a blinding thread! Keep it up Dave, expand it.

Crucial reading.




Thanks Bern, but that is all the speakers I have.


They are just the ones obtained in pursuit  of better sound for my locos.


I think it is now over to Richard Croft as he seems to have speakers that I don't. (he is a professional at this after all).



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Brilliant demo, the best bit being that the same sound theme is running all the way through!


So it does really show the best and worst of all the speakers!


It was just like being at an exhibition with Charlie, Legomanbiffo, Steve, Locoman, et al!


Keep up the good work!





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Finally got around to videoing the speaker board that I have been working on. Theres some repetition of Dave's video but I also had access to some different speakers which are interesting to hear.






Well Done Richard.


Good to hear some differing speakers from the ones I had to hand.


With my Sarf London voice, I wouldn't dream of speaking on a video. Haha.


I like the Mega Base.



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Richard, very well done, certainly gives the model owner considering sound something to think about.


If only the model producers would also watch this and reconsider their construction techniques to allow easier access for different speakers.




(Edit, I want my 33 with tank fitted speaker even more now!)

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Finally got around to videoing the speaker board that I have been working on. Theres some repetition of Dave's video but I also had access to some different speakers which are interesting to hear.





Hi Richard

Good helpful vid very interesting with a few surprises especially how poor the bass enhanced and reflex sound ! I've used that Zimo double dumbo in an air tank chassis HJ26 works really well.

That 0 gauge speaker is simply awesome....




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Thanks both. Really useful comparisons. Richard - is the iPhone speaker the single, mini or double you show on your website and how do they compare. How do they compare in dimensions - I've had trouble fitting a speaker in an enclosure into my Bachmann class 70 with the narrow body.


I guess there's a big difference in how the sound escapes from the model body as well. Do you find you need to make more holes, fit speakers underneath or are the standard vents and holes in the bodies enough?

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