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Stanier TPO "on the cheap" in 4mm

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This is a conversion that was discussed on the old RMWeb forum, and one that had been very nicely done by Ben Alder for his ScR layout. A visit to Salisbury at the weekend meant I was able to acquire the necessary bits for 4 quid in total (!!), namely a Hornby TPO bodyshell without the gimmicky net gear, and a 57' Airfix LMS coach as a chassis donor. In my case the TPO body had no ends, so despite the obvious error of having central not offset gangways, the Airfix BSK ends have been grafted on to the Hornby body for now, and I also used the roof vent mouldings to replace the existing ones. Also, metal wheels have replaced the Airfix ones, but most of the easier jobs (bar glazing and applying the livery) are out of the way for now pending construction of a net recess and dummy net. Looking good all the same, will put some pics of the finished product on my Flickr site later in the year....


Edit: Anyone know of a good TPO transfer sheet, possibly including decals for the bodyside letter boxes? The Fox sheet only has the Royal Mail logos and crest devices. Could've sworn a Pressfix sheet existed but nothing on the HMRS site.


Edit No. 2: Forgot about the Modelmaster website up until now so transfers taken care of, they do pre-assembled numbers to suit the ex-LMS TPOs and the letterbox transfers. Job's a good 'un!




P.S. If you are ever in Salisbury, the shop in question deals with toys and collectables and is on Milford Street. Can't remember the exact location but is at the junction with either Pennyfarthing St. or Guilder St. near the Best Western hotel. Carries a fair amount of railway stuff and is reasonably priced on the whole (on Saturday there was a boxed BR green Trix A2 in good nick at 85 quid which compares favourably with eBay prices).

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I too still have not got round to offsetting the connections- its not too obvious unless the coach is at the end of a rake. You managed to answer your own question re. transfers by the time I got around to replying :) . Jackson Evans did an etch for the pick-up gear, and 247 have them as spares as well. Look forward to seeing photos.


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I too still have not got round to offsetting the connections- its not too obvious unless the coach is at the end of a rake. You managed to answer your own question re. transfers by the time I got around to replying :) . Jackson Evans did an etch for the pick-up gear, and 247 have them as spares as well. Look forward to seeing photos.



The only problem I have now is choosing a coach number! A flip through Jenkinson & Essery's LMS coach book at the local library suggests that coaches fitted with a loo compartment (which the Rovex body has) didn't have nets, conversely those with net gear didn't usually have a toilet, but the rule is not a cast-iron one. Any thoughts, folks? Can't remember the diagram numbers off the top of my head, but on a 57' underframe the Hornby coach best represents TPOs built in the late 40s/early 50s at Wolverton under BR auspices although a Stanier design.



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Hi David.


An interesting thread this, although I hope you will put a link to the pictures, or maybe some pictures of progress on here?


I have a similar job ongoing, not a TPO, but a composite based around the Airfix Stanier, (thread here, http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php/topic/11056-stanier-diag-2117-conversion/).


I do have some spares, (chassis, interior and bits and pieces) from a 57' brake end. You are welcome to them if they will be any use?





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Hi David.


An interesting thread this, although I hope you will put a link to the pictures, or maybe some pictures of progress on here?


I have a similar job ongoing, not a TPO, but a composite based around the Airfix Stanier, (thread here, http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php/topic/11056-stanier-diag-2117-conversion/).


I do have some spares, (chassis, interior and bits and pieces) from a 57' brake end. You are welcome to them if they will be any use?






I'll try to get some pics sorted out soon (to show how the Airfix ends are mitred into the Hornby bodyshell if nothing else). I'm OK for spare parts as it happens (unless I come up with any further ideas for coach projects, but am trying to limit my spending on models at the moment). Surprising how much difference the new roof vents have made to the model's appearance already.



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I'll try to get some pics sorted out soon (to show how the Airfix ends are mitred into the Hornby bodyshell if nothing else). I'm OK for spare parts as it happens (unless I come up with any further ideas for coach projects, but am trying to limit my spending on models at the moment). Surprising how much difference the new roof vents have made to the model's appearance already.




I think thats always the way. Given that most of us view our models in the main, from above, the roof has to look as good as possible in my view.


Let me know if you change your mind re the spares, whenever.





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The only problem I have now is choosing a coach number! A flip through Jenkinson & Essery's LMS coach book at the local library suggests that coaches fitted with a loo compartment (which the Rovex body has) didn't have nets, conversely those with net gear didn't usually have a toilet, but the rule is not a cast-iron one. Any thoughts, folks? Can't remember the diagram numbers off the top of my head, but on a 57' underframe the Hornby coach best represents TPOs built in the late 40s/early 50s at Wolverton under BR auspices although a Stanier design.



Here's the thread off the old forum, which some might like to re-peruse - D1792 gets a mention


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Here's the thread off the old forum, which some might like to re-peruse - D1792 gets a mention


I see my contribution to it there- another modeling cul-de-sac- I came across the Triang coach in the pending cupboard the other day; it has been sidelined waiting the arrival of a 247 version and a decision of which path to take, but as the Hornby coach is a hybrid, I numbered mine off a transfer sheet IIR. This goes against the grain in some ways, as all my wagons and coaches have relevant numbers for their type, but to be quite honest, in 4mm nobody notices. Peter Denny, if I remember, didn't number his coaches at all, and nobody held that against him.

So, carry on and get it running and put some pictures up and worry about the details later :mellow:


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So, carry on and get it running and put some pictures up and worry about the details later :mellow:



I'll probably just build it with a net anyway as it looks more interesting that way, and pick a random number for one of the BR-built 57' coaches with a loo (Diagram D2xxx; I'll check the exact number on my next library visit) out of Jenkinson & Essery.



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I don't know if its any help, but Southern Pride Kits used to do the MK1 TPO's. I seem to recall that they had etched nets which were, by all accounts, very good.


I'm sure they were listed in the detailing part of the catalogue as seperate items....


I've been on the 247 Developments site and they have a TPO detailing pack which is none too expensive. They also sell offset LMS TPO end castings at a reasonable sum so am um-ing and ah-ing over those at present.



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