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Its N Gauge !

the fuzzler

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There is a small mention in Model Rail about this firm - "its N Gauge" - who want to bring out an RTR class 85. There is a test shot too. Their wensite is pretty basic but if the model lives up to its promises, hmmm !


Anyone have any info about this firm and its products ?

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I have bought a D600 resin bodyshell kit from them. It is pretty crisp and straight-forward and should make up into a nice loco when I get around to it. I am currently working on another project with a May 8th deadline so everything else is on hold until then but once I make a start I will post some pics of the progress.

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  • RMweb Gold

It's N Gauge is the brainchild of Carl and Andy (formerly heritage-N). The 85 is a home-grown product, with CAD-designed bogies and underframes and should be really good (I've seen the test shots).


I've teamed up with Carl to produce Electra models RTR and there are a few on their website (and my own). We've collaborated on a few projects together and there are more goodies in the pipeline.

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