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HO 33 inch wheelset suppliers

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Any body know of a current UK supplier of HO metal wheelsets, 33 inch, metal axle not plastic preferably, I see Bachmann do packs, but list out of stock, I do want to pay for Stateside supplies on these......if possible......also 36 inch?......will I be forced to go to NWSL or similar?





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KaDee? Via MGSharp (no connections etc)




I'll keep these in mind, I do need some chrome or bright as well. The Kadee can't double up as bogie wheels as the inner axle is moulded, and acts as insulation. The appearance is to match Mantua nickel plated wheels.



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Many thanks, for the suggestions, I have found some very cheap bargain HO cars with plated wheels to provide for a project, a Mantua loco, but I think I'll set up the lathe and turn a quantity for general use in stainless steel.


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