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Parkside TMD


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Parkside TMD

So a little background, I originally started modelling about 2 years ago venturing into 009 scale, I planned on modelling a narrow gauge branch line at the time and didn’t even know that 009 scale existed. After few month I realised I was drawn towards modern image modelling and after joining the 100s of pages on facebook really enjoyed the idea of a modern image TMD


I began collecting EWS rolling stock and locos about 4 months ago as well as building baseboards to fit down one side of the garage. This gave me roughly 13ft of scenic area to play with. I do have the intention of converting the whole garage but that will be a few years yet!
Parkside TMD? So the estate I live in is actually called Parkside, simple as that, the layout will be completely freelance and set roughly between 2007 and the present day. I’d also like to add a steel works/scrap area adding an additional scenic focus. I’m rather new to this hobby and have an awful lot to learn so and criticism/advice is more than welcome.

As I write this my NEC power cab is in the post so that is the last major part I needed to buy to get started properly ill be spending the next few weeks soldering dropper wires and spacing code 75 track.487096034_rmwebpaint3.png.84ab378c1dde6e7ad2ef08c5916e9ff8.png




Thanks for looking!


Edited by Cougle1993
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So today I finally got round to collecting my NCE power cab and traction shed from the post office.
I didn't plan on getting the traction shed this early however after asking for the dimensions on facebook I was later messaged asking if I wanted to buy one at a great price so couldn't refuse! This will be the main building at the station end of my layout so will really help with planning my scenic points as I don't want to fall in the trap of to much track work and not enough scenery as I come across so often!

I'm completely new to anything DCC so ill have an awful lot to research and ask when it finally comes to setting my power cab up



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Nice shed. DCC is as easy or as hard as you want to make it, can be an entire hobby in itself.

i got it because I wanted to park two locos on the same siding without additional wiring and sections etc....



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1 hour ago, pendlerail said:

If you live in Parkside near Newton I don't live too far away in Lowton, available to help, I have a Power cab so know my way round it.

good start, 


Appreciate the offer Phil but I'm from Seaham county Durham, Parkside is just an area in Seaham where I live!  

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  • 2 months later...

So after a few weeks of thinking I’ve gone against the TMD layout but expand the space I’ve got and created a full loop I’ve got roughly 3m x 2.5m now yet to decide on a track plan but feeling much better about what I’ve got to work with now 



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