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Best chip for Dapol 66


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  • RMweb Premium

I tried fitting a Bachmann/Farish 6 pin chip in Dapol's 66181, but couldn't refit the body because the bulky underside of that chip caused the socket to angle upwards, fouling the long thin PCB and its wires for the lights fixed on the underside of its roof.

Which chips would best fit these locos? Could bending the six pins on the chips help?


Thanks very much

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  • RMweb Gold

I needed to fit a 6 pin chip into a Roco HOe loco . The TCS 6 pin chip fitted (the Bachmann one would have been just slightly too large) though I did have to bend the pins through 90 degrees.



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Dapol list which decoders they've checked fit in their catalogue - its a useful resource. The Bachmann one is too fat for a lot of the Dapol models (eg the 153). CT and TCS seem to fit fine as do quite a few others (The Bachmann one is one of the fatter ones on the market)


Dapol catalogue is on their web site for download btw

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