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Has anyone got old GOG Gazettes?


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I am thinking of trying a (little) bit of 0 Gauge (the frequent reason - ageing eyes and dexterity), but having thoughts about what is possible in a small space.

I was a member long ago, and I recall in a Gazette an article about a small display layout - "A Layout for Mike" IIRC. Probably sometime in the '80's.

I would like a look at said article again, does anyone have either a very good memory or an index to old copies, and could let me know which it was in?

There seem to be old copies on eBay, or maybe someone would even copy just that page/s? (unless copyright forbids).

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Hello John (Archer)

Jim Read, the author of the article that Johng  (above) posted in the GOG Gazette has a blog that is worth looking at. He has several small layouts that he has built on his blog, as well as info on economically building locos, wagons, a controller etc. If you Google " Jim Read model railways" it lists his blogspot and also lists his writings on RMweb - a very useful resource for those of us interested in economical 7mm scale modelling. Try  http://ogaugemicro.blogspot.com


As an aside I would recommend re-joining the Gauge O Guild. One gains access to the Gazette Archive as well as the Forum which continues to be a fantastic resource of advice on all sorts of practical modelling topics. Each Gazette ( four each year ) has reviews of current products and loads of 7mm scale adverts that are worth their weight in gold to aid finding particular castings or kits. The 'Traders' section lists and provides links to most if not all the traders who provide 'stuff' in 7mm scale.


I hope this may be helpful.

Best wishes


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Summer 1986, Jim Read articles,  I have a scan of the page, if you pm me I will send it to you. Mike Bragg, an ambassador for micro layout  is a personal friend and went on the build more (than a few!), I know, I have 2 of them!



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Thanks for all replies. I had forgotten it was Jim Read, I have enjoyed his posts and blog - real traditional modelling.

I will indeed rejoin if I go ahead with 7mm, but I need to think a bit first, re practicalities etc. The pension's too small to pay subs casually I'm afraid.

Thanks again.


PS I have now had the article I wanted, and the GOG 'Small Layouts' book. Thanks to all the helpful people.

Edited by johnarcher
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